Saturday, November 28, 2009

What The Color Of Jelly Bracelets Mean

In sports, sex for women is an authorized dopping! Average User

Sex and sport are compatible?
sex improves the performance of the athlete or hurt? In times of Olympics a U.S. study breaks the taboo that puts in antithesis exercise and sexual activity: from research it seems that only a simple walk can help prevent impotence.
Crolla the cliche that always leads to shrinkage of seclusion and chastity must for players and athletes before the performance?

The study, conducted by the urologist Drogo K. Montagne, head of the Center for Sexual Function at the Cleveland Clinic Foundation, has shown that exercise is a barrier for impotence for the same reason prevent heart attacks.
Reason? 'The aerobic exercise combats the appearance of vessel disease, including the formation of lipid plaques in the arteries, blockages that impede blood flow to the penis enough to spray. "

So the sex is good for the sport?
In this case depends on the sport. According to the French Jacques Waynberg sexologist, sex is not recommended for male athletes before athletic performance (at least six hours) only for those activities that require a particular concentration or a short but violent effort, such as fencing, archery, jet weight, high jump and long, fast ride. After an orgasm are lowered testosterone levels, respiratory capacity and the ability to contract the muscles.
Far more fortunate however, tennis players, soccer, table tennis, for which intercourse before the test could even have a positive effect relaxing.

And the athletes?
We must consider the effects of intercourse on the woman are very different from those in humans. And the confirmation of this statement is given by an interesting study from Israel Olshanietzky Alexander has shown that female orgasm is essentially a "doping" Authorized.
The increase in concentration of testosterone that women have after sexual intercourse results in better athletic performance.

On the other hand, the sexual act is an act athletic in effect, no?
think that in 13 minutes and 50 seconds (the average duration of intercourse according to a European study), the respiratory rate gradually rises from 14 to 40 times per minute, heart rate reaches 180 beats and blood pressure exceeds the 200 rule, but the physical effort is absolutely intense, resulting in energy expenditure contained between 150 and 300 calories.
In practice, what would be consumed to run up three flights of stairs.
short, a good night's sleep would be enough to compensate for sex the night before, without definitely affect the performance on the field. . ____________fonte:

Monday, November 16, 2009

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19: The mother who humiliated the apprehensive 16 year old son

"Excuse me - told me a lady bejeweled all - I need some clarification with regard to training that she should be doing a little child of 16 years with scoliosis. "
surprised by the words he had used the anxious mother of a boy was afraid that the next like a beaten dog, looked carefully to find the right words to reply.

"Madam - I said, dazed - when I do not know what to say. Before I should consider taking a position, first of all if the boy will carry the inscription and then with him to understand what are really his physical condition
and any problems and then develop an exercise program. "
Suddenly, the lady darkens in the face and almost grinding his teeth before you frown, leaning on the desk at the entrance of the gym and looking into my eyes said, "I would like to see that training would help this guy. I state that it is a silent type who is afraid of his own shadow. Should improve the scoliosis but did not really want to get involved.
He already goes to the Boy Scout and the Catechism and then to study and find a free moment is truly a sacrifice "
lacked very little and I was asked to do exercises instead of his son.

I thought to myself what was the eventful life of this poor helpless boy the blows inflicted by her mother and looking into his eyes I read humiliation mixed with incazzatura to have a parent so apprehensive.
"Madam, I said - the guy should train doing a bit of cardio, and then some abdominal exercises with specific tools with a very low load.

Incalza the woman in an arrogant way, "Noooooo accolutamente nooo. My son does not have to train with the equipment because it should not become like the television junkies. The doctor said I should do a little 'more than an exercise bike and the treadmill. "
Needless to say, despite my desire to drive it was great, I calmed down with a great inner effort and said:" Madam, if you like to pay month and the exercise bike to do only the boy has only to tell me. I will do what you like as it seems to know more about me. I do not change anything. The important thing is the satisfaction of the customer and the customer's mother. "

From then on started a repartee sensational.
Mom: "Where would the abs?"
Me: "On a bench in the other room" Mom
: " I need to see this bench"
Me: "But a lady bench is a bench. A horizontal plane with the ability to tilt. It may even make the exercise even on the floor on a mat in lattice
Mom: "You must be joking. If I pay the "right" (not even had a college) I can not think that my son lie down on the ground. Now if they would at home. "
I thought maybe it was the best thing and it would be a tragedy if the boy had carried out training with his mother the ribs all the time.
cut him short and said "Lord make a good thing. Go to the doctor and do make a card from him so it's safe and then we will do in the gym to the letter as written by his majesty. " The lady looked at me suspiciously
and perhaps felt a vague impression that the same kidding.
While the sixteen year old had been sitting and wanted to unsubscribe instantly disappear into oblivion of time and not having to pay more than the creature who had given birth, it said, "One last thing. But how often should come to the gym? If it ends the catechism at 17 you can do to train at 17.30 and drop to 18.45? "
" said Lady--
we do not seize anyone to tell the truth. He may run away when he wants. "

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Use the gainer to increase muscle mass but not abuse it ...

Most of the calorie gainer consists of carbohydrates, and 20-30% from protein. May be more or less rich in calories. The quality of proteins and carbohydrates are not unusual even if the gainers are the latest great products.
Their use is based on simple hypothesis: if many athletes show poor results in terms of increasing mass is due to food shortage.
If you do not take easily to weight or mass bodybuilding, it is because you do not eat enough.
For some people extremely thin and have difficulty eating, such supplements may be helpful, but others should be cautious because the increase in adipose fat might be a back account not appreciated.

When you start a bodybuilding program, one must take into account the new consumption of calories is to generate, and compensate in one way or another. In this case, makes the gainer so simple fuel and excess protein, but the compensation can take place even with food classics.

addition to the contribution of energy, the gainer special effects, especially if used before and immediately after training.
Before the effort, provide energy and help combat fatigue.
After the effort, stimulate the anabolic response and recovery of glycogen stores.
The dosage should be individualized .
We have an excellent optimized with 20 up to 60 grams.
This study illustrates how a moderate increase in caloric intake can result in muscle growth. But beyond a certain threshold, we can observe only an increase in body fat ..
believe that you can push your muscles to increase with the charge belongs to the world of fairy tales, the right balance is very important, specially designed training becomes the true workhorse Contrary to what is often said, our metabolism is not well equipped to deal with excess calories.
So abuse can lead gainers destructive effects with fat accumulation. ..... source:

Tuesday, November 10, 2009

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You drank too much wine? Here's what to do to get better

Red wine contains substances similar to those of beer, which may give unpleasant effects in susceptible individuals. lower the taste of alcohol, the smaller the amount of congeners and the better the content of the individual situation the next day. vodka and gin only contain a few, while the bourbon, rum el'whisky malt are those that contain more. Alcohol leaves the body fairly quickly, but congeners takes more time, the amount of hours is equal to the number of glasses drunk the night before.

What happens in the body after drinking an alcoholic beverage?
More than 2 drinks per day, the blood vessels shrink, the pressure rises, the heart of the long runs to get worse. After drinking, he slips into the stomach within seconds.
Within a few minutes 20% alcohol filters in the capillaries of the stomach wall and enters the bloodstream: the more the stomach is full more gradual absorption is therefore less harmful.
After 5 minutes floods the brain and interferes with the functioning of the neurons, lowering the perception of danger.
After 10 minutes, the liver begins to remove the alcohol. The liver breaks down alcohol 90%, starting 10 minutes after the first sip.
After 11 minutes a little alcohol is transferred from blood to the alveoli. These warm it and turn it into steam, throwing away the breath here dell'etilometro utility.
that alcohol was not absorbed from the stomach after 20 minutes to reach the intestine by blocking the absorption of water (here because it dehydrates) and passes back into the blood.
Only 5% alcohol around the body is excreted by the kidneys through urine.
30 minutes after drinking all the alcohol is circulating , numbness neurons and inhibit many functions of the brain, with possible erectile dysfunction, reduced testosterone and blood flow to the penis.

There is only one way to cure a hangover of un'ubriacatura: time.
The symptoms are headache, nausea, dizziness, irritability and depression. Many of these effects are caused by dehydration and can be avoided by drinking water while drinking alcohol before going to bed.
Another help can be given by the fact to increase your blood sugar by eating a small snack or fruit before going to bed.
Another trick to avoid trouble is to never drink on an empty stomach (the consumption of protein foods like cheese, whole milk, meat and peanut butter reduces the discomfort) and take a supplement of vitamins B-complex before you start drinking.

Too much alcohol lowers levels of vitamin B1 essential, essential for normal neurological functions.
Avoid mixing different types of alcohol, and add carbonated soft drinks (come more quickly in the bloodstream).
water and juices are the most suitable, beer and wine are absorbed more slowly than distilled spirits.
People who do not drink often have a liver that works slowly and get drunk faster.
must also consider that the smaller the size of a person, the greater the effects of alcohol and the hangover the next day.

Women metabolize alcohol more fully human.
Coffee and cold showers do not help to get rid of the congeners faster than they do the time.
also best not to drink coffee before going to bed, it being a diuretic, will lose more fluids. Best sweet tea, water or fruit juice.
consumption of carbohydrate balances nutrition and lessen the symptoms.

also identifies the process (settle the stomach) of bananas (replenish potassium) with honey (it increases the sugar levels brain).

If you are accompanied by headaches, avoid acetaminophen, which could further strain the liver, one might instead think of acetylsalicylic acid (aspirin) is contraindicated if not always for their own use. ..... Source:

Tuesday, November 3, 2009

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Muscles "fiber white" and "red fibers"

The muscle fibers are differentiated by a component (heavy chain) of myosin molecule in three varieties isomorphic: the fibers of type I slow twitch, fibers of type IIa and IIx fast-twitch. The rate of contraction of the fiber is one tenth of those of type IIx, IIa fibers that is intermediate. This speed comes from the mechanism of decomposition of ADP in the myosin heavy chain for energy. The slow fibers are aerobic, while the fast ones are anaerobic . A sedentary
has a fiber-type distribution 40-30-30, 20-45-25 a sprinter, a person who regularly jogging 50-40-10, a distance runner 55-4
0-5, 80-20-0 a marathon runner, a ultramaratoneta 95-5-0.
In practice, the fast-twitch fibers are the most exaggerated and respond better to training with heavy loads.

So far this is all true, then the myths are born.
there that claim to train on the basis of its type muscle, or to draw conclusions about what is happening by pulling off this story.
per se there would be nothing wrong, except that:
1. There is no test to correctly define the composition of muscle, but a biopsy
2. The composition of muscle is just one of the variables to consider
3. The muscle composition varies from person to person and between muscles of the same person

In practice, we can not measure the quantity of red and white fibers of our body. We talk, but we do not have the data. Nothing. Zero. Just talk. But this, perhaps, we set up training sessions.

type red fibers need more repetitions with less weight, the white fibers require fewer reps with more weight. Or: I workout at the end of the series to stress the red fibers. Or, as Holmes with its X-Reps, the white ones because he has not figured out how to run things.

In other words, in any sport is going to control the type of fiber, if not afterwards.
E 'sport itself decrees that the similarity with the athlete. A "dry" will do the marathon, a "big" the shot put. If it turns out to dry ... will the 800metrista 800metri, fiber composition or not. Knowing a priori information, even being able to do not add anything except the knowledge of a predisposition. From here to classify people ... there runs ............ Source: