Thursday, December 31, 2009
Wednesday, December 30, 2009
South Park Online Stream Iphone

A promotion to the highest degree of danger justified by a recent analysis showed that the 75% increase in the development of melanoma in people under 30 years devoted to the so-called "tanning."
Exposure to UV also appears to have a direct relationship with the development of melanoma eye. The agency has also moved to the maximum degree of danger even those systems that use ionizing particles to create a tan.
Ultimately it is better to tan under the sun in normal times and in keeping with the right protection
What Does Frostbite On My Dog Look Like

Experimental evidence suggests that sleep deprivation alters the immune response, reducing the activity of T cells: it reduces the endogenous production of interleukin-2, a factor that enables the production of these cells that prevent the onset of inflammation.
The researchers examined a sample of men and women perfectly shaped and investigated for twenty days on the daily sleep time.
inoculated after 5 days of control, of rhinoviruses in volunteers, showed evidence that it was expected: the immune response of those who rested in a better way was higher than those with a habit of sleeping less.
A good sleep, then, is much more that a good habit is a real prevention tool!
Monday, December 21, 2009
Heather Brooke Yahoo Answers
"What is the difference between running in Lat machine in front of the head and one behind? "Unfortunately
feel many conflicting opinions and gross inaccuracies, even in the texts and magazines," the lat machine behind developing the rear deltoids, "the lat machine behind it is absolutely not recommended" or "the lat machine on trains better harness, etc..
Let's analyze the two versions of one of the few "machines" are really effective, created in imitation of the indispensable motor of chins:

Execution with the traction of the bar, reach behind your head until it touches the upper portion of the trapezius.
Muscles involved: (Master 2002) lats (to a lesser extent), great round, pectoralis major (limited), coracobrachialis, subscapularis biceps brachii, brachioradialis, triceps long head of the (limited).
involved joints: shoulder, elbow, wrist.
Notes: stimulates (in percentage) for most of the large dorsal humeral adduction her best, but still far less than the other version of the limited joint range. Lat
machinePrima using this type of execution, inspect the degree of mobiltà articulate the complex shoulder joint, as a person who has difficulty in external rotation of the humerus and shoulder retroposition not be able to run it properly. There
be noted that - despite this execution is often used the label of potentially damaging exercise for the shoulders (even though the stability of the shoulder is actually less) - the danger, the joint does not show up in traction, but compressed in exercises such as behind the slow (Rosenthal 1997, Gross et al 1993 ). In any case it will certainly be avoided in patients with unstable shoulder joint syndrome or contrast (Dine set at 1995).

Execution with pulling the bar in front of the face and carried on the top portion of the pectoralis major.
Lat machineMuscoli involved: (Master 2002) latissimus dorsi (more readily), large round, pectoralis major, posterior deltoid, infraspinatus, medial and lower trapezius, biceps brachii, brachioradialis, long head of triceps.
Joints involved: shoulder, elbow, wrist.
Notes: Although this execution implicates more muscle than the version lat machine "behind", is clearly better for the stimulation of the latissimus dorsi, given the greater range of motion. Also will be even more complete involvement of the trapezius and posterior deltoid .... source:
Tuesday, December 15, 2009
Ultimate I Spy Paper City Where Are The Six
A man in his fifties, perhaps 55anni, with little hair, about 160cm tall and weighing about 100kg in the gym the other day comes and greets me with a smile . I understand now
be very nice and well prepared, I turn to him trying to figure out what reasons led him to cross the threshold of hell famous.
Yes, its interior, because that appears to be a gym when a person is forced to frequentala or family doctor or general practitioner or even by their own conscience.
Curtains, the squat and malcurata hand to greet me and I will not deny it's mine.
We look for a moment and he breaks the delay, saying: "Hi, I give you the" you "because you son myself, or perhaps grandson, in fact I do not know. Oh well I come to the point. I would like to train to throw down a bit 'of excess belly and I know that will not be easy but I want to try. "
is followed by a pause of a moment in which, looking at it, I liked the thing I had just said and his determination seemed real and not a preconceived mind on tilt.
"You know I thought I'd join the gym and follow me by someone who knows the doing. Can you tell me what type of course and I could follow what you believe is right for me? "
reply calmly:" Well you have a right course for you. General Gymnastics with a teacher preparation and where there are people her age that could serve as a stimulus to engage and competitive challenges faced by small ".
He looks at me and my break between the floor and the other looks even, perhaps reflecting on something then immediately after he told me.
"Can you tell me if in the course there is also some nice" female "?"
I thought I had misheard or at least I was there in waiting to know if he was making a joke or whether he was serious. I do not even have time for that now, he insisted: "You know I'm giving a revised all my love life, in short I am trying to collect my ideas and change something in my past and I need .... Oh well ... I do not know how to say that terms used in this case. I'm not good with turns of phrase. Well I need to see some ass other than my wife! "
At this point I lose a little smile once shared with him and taking advantage of this moment of hilarity answer: "Look at Generally, women do the courses fit box, aerobics, step. Well I think that if he wants to "exercise general" must be trained to find some ass of a man or if you put forward could be limited at all to see himself in the mirror "The Lord
with immediacy:" As a male ass at work I see too and I would come to the gym to mix business with pleasure. In fact I am a former body builder (but doveeee?) And I did this activity when you were still in diapers or maybe you were even born. I went to a gym historical Bari before it opened here "
" Excuse me - I said - but what is the name of this gym run ?.... By whom? "
Him:" No vabbe I can not remember the name or maybe but I would not be wrong. You know we're talking about 35 years ago. Those who run it are all dead "
" What bad luck- I thought to myself - let's hope that this does not bring bad luck and that user does not prove to be a Super jinx. "
"So sure that I can not train in the company of a beautiful blonde woman, tall and shaped by fear?" Perhaps this last sentence he told me in an ironic way but then not much.
Having been given the leaflet with all activities the gym and the prices the curious but polite gentleman, this fixed before I go away and says, "Look I'd be willing also to do Spinning Fit Box or if there is a woman. I would not look like a maniac but I do a workout with other men does not give me the strength to commit beyond measure. "
" I think we should resign, we work to obtain results for other reasons "
At this point, another average user walks away slowly squeezing back into my hand and politely said: "Ok so I'm going to withdraw the money and maybe I'll see you in January."
I jokingly: "Anyways, then picks them up directly in January ..."
He concludes: "No, I hit it. I fetch them money to make gifts. ... I told you just to inform you of my next stop. " The man leaves.
After a few minutes I am made a car stop silent, "but not wanting to be robbed at an ATM?"
Monday, December 14, 2009
Can You Take Anti-anxiety While In Army
Saturday, November 28, 2009
What The Color Of Jelly Bracelets Mean
sex improves the performance of the athlete or hurt? In times of Olympics a U.S. study breaks the taboo that puts in antithesis exercise and sexual activity: from research it seems that only a simple walk can help prevent impotence.
Crolla the cliche that always leads to shrinkage of seclusion and chastity must for players and athletes before the performance?
The study, conducted by the urologist Drogo K. Montagne, head of the Center for Sexual Function at the Cleveland Clinic Foundation, has shown that exercise is a barrier for impotence for the same reason prevent heart attacks.
Reason? 'The aerobic exercise combats the appearance of vessel disease, including the formation of lipid plaques in the arteries, blockages that impede blood flow to the penis enough to spray. "
So the sex is good for the sport?
In this case depends on the sport. According to the French Jacques Waynberg sexologist, sex is not recommended for male athletes before athletic performance (at least six hours) only for those activities that require a particular concentration or a short but violent effort, such as fencing, archery, jet weight, high jump and long, fast ride. After an orgasm are lowered testosterone levels, respiratory capacity and the ability to contract the muscles.
Far more fortunate however, tennis players, soccer, table tennis, for which intercourse before the test could even have a positive effect relaxing.
And the athletes?
We must consider the effects of intercourse on the woman are very different from those in humans. And the confirmation of this statement is given by an interesting study from Israel Olshanietzky Alexander has shown that female orgasm is essentially a "doping" Authorized.
The increase in concentration of testosterone that women have after sexual intercourse results in better athletic performance.
On the other hand, the sexual act is an act athletic in effect, no?
think that in 13 minutes and 50 seconds (the average duration of intercourse according to a European study), the respiratory rate gradually rises from 14 to 40 times per minute, heart rate reaches 180 beats and blood pressure exceeds the 200 rule, but the physical effort is absolutely intense, resulting in energy expenditure contained between 150 and 300 calories.
In practice, what would be consumed to run up three flights of stairs.
short, a good night's sleep would be enough to compensate for sex the night before, without definitely affect the performance on the field. . ____________fonte:
Monday, November 16, 2009
Sore Throat Headache Spotty Tongue

surprised by the words he had used the anxious mother of a boy was afraid that the next like a beaten dog, looked carefully to find the right words to reply.
"Madam - I said, dazed - when I do not know what to say. Before I should consider taking a position, first of all if the boy will carry the inscription and then with him to understand what are really his physical condition and any problems and then develop an exercise program. "
Suddenly, the lady darkens in the face and almost grinding his teeth before you frown, leaning on the desk at the entrance of the gym and looking into my eyes said, "I would like to see that training would help this guy. I state that it is a silent type who is afraid of his own shadow. Should improve the scoliosis but did not really want to get involved.
He already goes to the Boy Scout and the Catechism and then to study and find a free moment is truly a sacrifice "
lacked very little and I was asked to do exercises instead of his son.
I thought to myself what was the eventful life of this poor helpless boy the blows inflicted by her mother and looking into his eyes I read humiliation mixed with incazzatura to have a parent so apprehensive.
"Madam, I said - the guy should train doing a bit of cardio, and then some abdominal exercises with specific tools with a very low load.
Incalza the woman in an arrogant way, "Noooooo accolutamente nooo. My son does not have to train with the equipment because it should not become like the television junkies. The doctor said I should do a little 'more than an exercise bike and the treadmill. "
Needless to say, despite my desire to drive it was great, I calmed down with a great inner effort and said:" Madam, if you like to pay month and the exercise bike to do only the boy has only to tell me. I will do what you like as it seems to know more about me. I do not change anything. The important thing is the satisfaction of the customer and the customer's mother. "
From then on started a repartee sensational.
Mom: "Where would the abs?"
Me: "On a bench in the other room" Mom
: " I need to see this bench"
Me: "But a lady bench is a bench. A horizontal plane with the ability to tilt. It may even make the exercise even on the floor on a mat in lattice
Mom: "You must be joking. If I pay the "right" (not even had a college) I can not think that my son lie down on the ground. Now if they would at home. "
I thought maybe it was the best thing and it would be a tragedy if the boy had carried out training with his mother the ribs all the time.
cut him short and said "Lord make a good thing. Go to the doctor and do make a card from him so it's safe and then we will do in the gym to the letter as written by his majesty. " The lady looked at me suspiciously
and perhaps felt a vague impression that the same kidding.
While the sixteen year old had been sitting and wanted to unsubscribe instantly disappear into oblivion of time and not having to pay more than the creature who had given birth, it said, "One last thing. But how often should come to the gym? If it ends the catechism at 17 you can do to train at 17.30 and drop to 18.45? "
" said Lady-- we do not seize anyone to tell the truth. He may run away when he wants. "
Fredericton,nb Vehicle Auction

Their use is based on simple hypothesis: if many athletes show poor results in terms of increasing mass is due to food shortage.
If you do not take easily to weight or mass bodybuilding, it is because you do not eat enough.
For some people extremely thin and have difficulty eating, such supplements may be helpful, but others should be cautious because the increase in adipose fat might be a back account not appreciated.
When you start a bodybuilding program, one must take into account the new consumption of calories is to generate, and compensate in one way or another. In this case, makes the gainer so simple fuel and excess protein, but the compensation can take place even with food classics.
addition to the contribution of energy, the gainer special effects, especially if used before and immediately after training.
Before the effort, provide energy and help combat fatigue.
After the effort, stimulate the anabolic response and recovery of glycogen stores.
The dosage should be individualized .
We have an excellent optimized with 20 up to 60 grams.
This study illustrates how a moderate increase in caloric intake can result in muscle growth. But beyond a certain threshold, we can observe only an increase in body fat ..
believe that you can push your muscles to increase with the charge belongs to the world of fairy tales, the right balance is very important, specially designed training becomes the true workhorse Contrary to what is often said, our metabolism is not well equipped to deal with excess calories.
So abuse can lead gainers destructive effects with fat accumulation. ..... source:
Tuesday, November 10, 2009
What Did A Docters Mask Look Like
What happens in the body after drinking an alcoholic beverage?
More than 2 drinks per day, the blood vessels shrink, the pressure rises, the heart of the long runs to get worse. After drinking, he slips into the stomach within seconds.
Within a few minutes 20% alcohol filters in the capillaries of the stomach wall and enters the bloodstream: the more the stomach is full more gradual absorption is therefore less harmful.
After 5 minutes floods the brain and interferes with the functioning of the neurons, lowering the perception of danger.
After 10 minutes, the liver begins to remove the alcohol. The liver breaks down alcohol 90%, starting 10 minutes after the first sip.
After 11 minutes a little alcohol is transferred from blood to the alveoli. These warm it and turn it into steam, throwing away the breath here dell'etilometro utility.
that alcohol was not absorbed from the stomach after 20 minutes to reach the intestine by blocking the absorption of water (here because it dehydrates) and passes back into the blood.
Only 5% alcohol around the body is excreted by the kidneys through urine.
30 minutes after drinking all the alcohol is circulating , numbness neurons and inhibit many functions of the brain, with possible erectile dysfunction, reduced testosterone and blood flow to the penis.
There is only one way to cure a hangover of un'ubriacatura: time.
The symptoms are headache, nausea, dizziness, irritability and depression. Many of these effects are caused by dehydration and can be avoided by drinking water while drinking alcohol before going to bed.
Another help can be given by the fact to increase your blood sugar by eating a small snack or fruit before going to bed.
Another trick to avoid trouble is to never drink on an empty stomach (the consumption of protein foods like cheese, whole milk, meat and peanut butter reduces the discomfort) and take a supplement of vitamins B-complex before you start drinking.
Too much alcohol lowers levels of vitamin B1 essential, essential for normal neurological functions.
Avoid mixing different types of alcohol, and add carbonated soft drinks (come more quickly in the bloodstream).
water and juices are the most suitable, beer and wine are absorbed more slowly than distilled spirits.
People who do not drink often have a liver that works slowly and get drunk faster.
must also consider that the smaller the size of a person, the greater the effects of alcohol and the hangover the next day.
Women metabolize alcohol more fully human.
Coffee and cold showers do not help to get rid of the congeners faster than they do the time.
also best not to drink coffee before going to bed, it being a diuretic, will lose more fluids. Best sweet tea, water or fruit juice.
consumption of carbohydrate balances nutrition and lessen the symptoms.
also identifies the process (settle the stomach) of bananas (replenish potassium) with honey (it increases the sugar levels brain).
If you are accompanied by headaches, avoid acetaminophen, which could further strain the liver, one might instead think of acetylsalicylic acid (aspirin) is contraindicated if not always for their own use. ..... Source:
Tuesday, November 3, 2009
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has a fiber-type distribution 40-30-30, 20-45-25 a sprinter, a person who regularly jogging 50-40-10, a distance runner 55-4

In practice, the fast-twitch fibers are the most exaggerated and respond better to training with heavy loads.
So far this is all true, then the myths are born.
there that claim to train on the basis of its type muscle, or to draw conclusions about what is happening by pulling off this story.
per se there would be nothing wrong, except that:
1. There is no test to correctly define the composition of muscle, but a biopsy
2. The composition of muscle is just one of the variables to consider
3. The muscle composition varies from person to person and between muscles of the same person
In practice, we can not measure the quantity of red and white fibers of our body. We talk, but we do not have the data. Nothing. Zero. Just talk. But this, perhaps, we set up training sessions.
type red fibers need more repetitions with less weight, the white fibers require fewer reps with more weight. Or: I workout at the end of the series to stress the red fibers. Or, as Holmes with its X-Reps, the white ones because he has not figured out how to run things.
In other words, in any sport is going to control the type of fiber, if not afterwards.
E 'sport itself decrees that the similarity with the athlete. A "dry" will do the marathon, a "big" the shot put. If it turns out to dry ... will the 800metrista 800metri, fiber composition or not. Knowing a priori information, even being able to do not add anything except the knowledge of a predisposition. From here to classify people ... there runs ............ Source:
Thursday, October 29, 2009
How To Gwt Community Hours Fast
Pay 3 and take 4!
In the gym a few weeks ago we developed a type of promotion time to increase customer loyalty. If by a certain date are paid in advance 3 months you receive a complimentary fourth month.
It seems clear the message and at the same time, if you're a guy who trains consistently every month, there is much to reflect and pay for the advantage is obvious.
Many have benefited from this opportunity but I have other questions seemed so absurd that apparently fake.
Questions average user who sometimes were the only means of giving an excuse to justify his mind further postpone the day of registration.
"Excuse me - he said a lady - I would like to join the promotion 4x3 but I was wondering if you could do today and pay the first month free and then paid for three months."
did not say anything, honestly, but will have and so wanted to say "Lord can do as you wish. One day free and one paid, one free week and the other included in the price, it might even work out in 4 months and 30 days free use of freely chosen by you!
If you wish, could also pay for the remaining days at home and train for 4 months free those who decide to devote to the gym. In the latest case could also pay for three months and sit on the couch in her house waiting for the free month of fitness. "
This is just the most dramatic episode, but there are many smaller, but at the same time unlikely curious.
"Excuse me, this is a gym right? - Said a hasty boy - But if I train once a week and I pay 3 months in advance, I have the same month "gift" or do not belong to me? ".
"I can not come this month - said a girl apparently busy 30Days why should I start from my father ... bla bla bla ... and then why not in school. ... Bla bla bla .... And Friends have decided to ... bla bla bla .... I know that the promotion ends in 2 days. Can I use the same if I come to pay a month and pretend that he has already made month free? "
Then one afternoon a woman who had never done the fitness, even walking from one shop to another in the center, comes in the room attracted by the word FREE on all exposed cartel ' entry and asked me seriously, "I can explain what is the month free?"
Unexplained is the fact that to do this kind of comments are people who have been very successful in their field work and are doctors, lawyers, university professors.
strange is that when I'm out the competence of their aquarium fish really seem to lack logic and common sense.
As I always say at the end of my story about the 'average user, I do not despise those who show such, but ironically to introduce people to this world and bringing it closer to reality every day more than you think.
Tuesday, October 27, 2009
Letter Of Completion Community Service Template

Example: training the chest muscles, the total number to 12 6 / 8 reps.
technique is recommended rest breaks for the last 2 / 6 series.
The difference between two and six is \u200b\u200baffected by the level of training of the athlete. Basically, what the athlete is adapted intensive relationship. In the case of a person who begins to use the training techniques to help implement the intense relationship, you should limit the number of repetitions rest breaks add up to a maximum of two series of about ten to twelve in total. The number of repetitions rest breaks, for each series that contains them, should be limited to a maximum of two.
The increase of intensity, through specific training techniques, will affect the gradual increase in the number of repetitions and rest breaks in series made with the use of this technique, through a harmonious development, gradual and in accordance with the timing of physiological adaptation the stress of training. Exaggeration often generates over-enthusiasm for overtraining. An important rule
provides inverse proportion between volume of work (number of total number and intensity in the series, in this case, corresponding to the amount of reps rest breaks). The increase in intensity workout require the reduction of the total number of series (working volume). More reps "over", less volume of work (number).
volume and intensity, in a good exercise program are always inversely related.
How do TECHNICAL REST PAUSE? In a series
the athlete must first perform all the repetitions, with commitment and determination. The last repetition all'isometrica will be close. (When the movement slows down to exhaustion muscle almost to a stop). It 's impossible to proceed with the series after an isometric block, always follows a victory for the weight on the muscles. It is not possible continue with the repetitions in a series when the number of motor units is not exhausted, is less than the minimum useful to overcome the resistance selected. Here's an example with the exercise: bench press. Assume that the load is selected 85% of the ceiling. The number of motor units necessary to overcome the resistance will be 85%, with minimum margins of approximation. After about 6 / 7 repeats the number of motor units is not worn out (get the energy - ATP), will be less than 85%. Let's say 80%, approximately. At this point you can no longer perform repetitions. E 'at this point that the technique can rest breaks be adopted.
TECHNOLOGY REST PAUSE takes place initially in part by relaxing the muscles primarily involved nell'esecizio (chest - triceps). For the bench press council at the end of the active phase, a shortened muscle, however, to provide protection to the scapular humeral muscular. A few seconds will be sufficient for some muscle cells can recharge. (ATP - ADP - rest breaks - ATP). At this point, due to a partial charge, the percentage of muscle fibers available will be greater than 85%, and then we can continue training, creating a successful repetition, lengthening then the series. The technique can be repeated in the same series and especially motivated only by athletes with a physical intensive sufficiently adapted to these levels. For this reason the Board to limit repetitions performed through the technique of rest breaks, to the first week, two for the second week and a maximum of three from the third week onwards. It 'a technique designed for beginners and advanced athletes.
It is understood that with increasing repetitions of rest breaks, decrease the number of sets in total. It 's a big mistake to increase the intensity and the volume of work, the effect will be, inevitably, a state of overtraining.
THAT Benefit is derived from training REST PAUSE?
The objective is to stimulate the muscle in an extraordinary way. Only one message
stimulating unusual produce significant effects. The muscle hypertrophy is the effect of extraordinary stimulation. E 'anatomical alteration functional, dynamic character development.
The goal is to exhaust a muscle to a higher level, recorded last repetition "normal" before the rest pause technique. The recovery of the fibers in a few seconds of rest, followed by an exhaustion top. For this to happen you need to calibrate the pause time, which may indicate with limited margins of approximation, between 2 and 5 seconds. A stop over-charging would allow too many muscle fibers, defeating the subsequent repetitions. To accomplish this technique requires a good concentration, a special motivation and determination. ....... Source:
Monday, October 26, 2009
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Sunday, October 25, 2009
Remote Shooting Software Finepix

Caffeine is often added in carbonated beverages and many medications or supplements can be sold without prescription. In nature there are very sixty-three plant species that contain caffeine.
Effects of caffeine
Although the ergogenic effects of caffeine have not yet been fully clarified, it now seems certain that they are mediated by the release of catecholamines. These hormones can be called epinephrine and norepinephrine or epinephrine and norepinephrine. Their action, maximum effort during fright or sudden and intense, it acts at both central and peripheral.
To prepare the body to support this major commitment psychophysical catecholamines:
- increase coronary blood flow (increased blood supply to the heart)
- increased cardiac output (increased blood supply to the tissues)
- increase systolic blood pressure
- increase blood flow muscle, kidney and skin
- increase metabolism
- increase the production of glucose (glycogenolysis) and lipolysis
- block adenosine receptors of fat cells and those nerve
Caffeine therefore facilitates the use of fat as fuel , sparing carbohydrate reserves, increases the body's metabolism promoting weight loss (often associated with slimming and anti cellulite), produces analgesic effects in the system central nervous system, decreasing the perception of fatigue and improving the speed of recruitment of nerve fibers.
Diet and caffeine
Taking caffeine
To maximize the positive effects it is advisable to take 3 to 6 mg of caffeine per kilogram of body weight from 180 to 75 minutes first of competitive sport. Small doses can be taken during endurance performance, for example in the home straight.
Given the great individual variability is a good idea to explore the use of caffeine during training, the avoidance of the three days preceding the competition. Because of possible side effects you should consult a doctor before use.
side effects
intake of caffeine is not without risk, especially for those who normally avoid taking it with diet. In particularly susceptible to its action, effects side also important they already appear to moderate doses (two cups of coffee).
The classic symptoms of excessive caffeine intake include: excessive excitation, headache, insomnia, tremors, irritability. Caffeine promotes fluid loss (diuretic effect) and should therefore be taken with drinks, staying well hydrated throughout the exercise.
Friday, October 23, 2009
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Power is an important and varies depending on several factors including the objectives.
should not be confused with the body building competitions for strong men (I speak of Powerlifting) in which the only yardstick is the force. Although there appears that there are similarities between these disciplines, the body building results in significant differences in terms of goals, diet and training. Rather than seeking the development of maximal strength, bodybuilders looking beyond the aesthetic perfection of the volumes, a bodybuilder does not have to be immense. There are several categories of cultures and diverse preferences. Bruce Lee, for instance, was a student of the physicist, a true fan of bodybuilding, even though he had a muscle to be Mr. Universe.
The shape and texture of the muscles, muscle quality, become much more important than simple volumes, especially for those who have already gained a good experience. Are parameters that involve great dedication and study. With this it was felt that there is nothing improvised: the design is the basis for everything.
A key aspect often ignored by many is the recovery, defined as hours of sleep. It 'just that occur during sleep processes of reconstruction muscle. In order to stimulate muscle growth (hypertrophy) must meet these four points :
1. balanced diet (if necessary, compensate for any deficit integration with rational people who are using performance-enhancing drugs will require more protein than a natural athlete)
2. special training (give my best at every session and look for the muscle pain, which usually occurs one or two days after the training sessions, or workout. Better to design a workout with variations every 3 weeks)
3. rest intended as previously described
4. the appropriate timing of these 3 points.
a bodybuilder's diet is composed usually from 5-6 meals per day; nothing strange! Even dietitians recommend to those who want to lose weight 5 meals a day (3 meals and 2 snacks)! Each meal is consumed at intervals of 2-3 hours. This helps improve nutrient absorption and increases basal metabolic rate. This is also applicable for those who want to lose weight and obviously will change at least the amount of food. The so-called mass
period, which so far have defined the term "volume" is paradoxically easier to reach the stage ......... Source:
Wednesday, October 21, 2009
Extending An Outlet After Tiling

Someone is already in hand for a long time but fails to dismantle its mind all those limiting beliefs that contribute to many preconceptions about the training methods.
This story will tell you now that it's really happened and why I will use a name invented to describe the main character.
A girl moves from the gym the first day open after the summer break.
Before asking me any kind of information on spinning, fit on the box and the fitness room, then go right to questions about costs. He stops at the counter and reflected aloud: "Yes, but if I come in the afternoon then I lecture at the university. On Wednesday I could not but come Sunday. I think I did not pay the quarterly Convenga if I had to come 2 times a week and instead had to do if the inputs had problems if I train every day. "
I try to follow in his mental evolution and while you are away, earning the exit before crossing the threshold he says: "I must say that it is truly a beautiful structure, the prices are very competitive. I want to subscribe to slim the hips and belly. I have to tone the arms and the inside thigh. I do not want to put your muscles. Now I have no money with me, but I come back later and start. "
few days later, Simon returns.
Log back into the gym and still breathing heavily for the race made to the other side of the road, she says, "But what time you close?"
I tell them that in one hour I lowered the blinds. She makes a face bewildered
fed up and asked me something that has nothing to do with the first part of the conversation: "I'm sorry but what brand are the tools?"
while I was going to answer in my head for what I thought she could change if they were Technogym Panatta or Teca.
I did not have time to open my mouth she said, "I'll give you this question because with the gear a few years ago, ingrassai instead of losing weight. Every time I train muscles increased "
I thought to myself that if they really existed tools of this type would have bought them all and would have made my fortune.
already imagine the commercials: 300 € a month and muscles guaranteed!
"I'm not the strength machines that determine the results-I said-but how they are actually used."
Simon once again goes away and does not enrolled.
One evening meeting randomly on the street and begins immediately after greeting me, to justify himself: "You know I have not entered because I had a series of absurd questions. Then I had to go to two dinners degree where I knew I had to eat so much and not worth train unnecessarily. Now I am determined and I think starting Monday. "
I was forced to listen to even though the end was not forced to have to justify.
Undeterred he returned a Monday. Not what should have been but an ordinary one. came to the gym once again and said: "In summary, if I were to start Now what would I do? It 's true that I would train a little at a time without doing all day? "
Without answering voice, I did some nodding their heads and in the meantime I was starting to get the data to sign up.
"You know it is not easy for me to start - said Simone - I used to do many hours of training. Now do the elementary things depresses me. "
He enrolled and do not train that day nor next day nor the week after. Even today, we are still waiting .... To renew the monthly visa that has expired!
Tuesday, October 20, 2009
Severe Caning On Shorts

what to do to avoid it?
Just some little trick to do the exercises correctly and avoid future unnecessary and annoying back pain.
If you use the weights
1. Never lift a weight from the floor with her legs together, but always slightly flex your knees.
2. Avoid lying down to lift your legs straight ballasted ankle, because it determines a lower back muscles to overwork. In order not to risk the train lower abs with the classic crunch.
3. Lifting high above his back and sides with outstretched arms standing, can cause severe back pain. To avoid problems, please raise your shoulder keeping your back snugly against a wall or, in the raised side, sitting, leaning the torso to a bench at an angle.
If you do aerobic
1. During the lesson, avoid jumping on heels, but his foot evenly, to avoid giving big kick in the back.
2. Concentrate as you can on the proper execution of movements
If you run
1. Kickback typical of the race may, in the long run, hurt his back. Always and only run on hard surfaces like asphalt does nothing but exacerbate these negative effects. If possible, I prefer soft ground (grass, gravel, sand).
2. To avoid pain is essential that the foot rests on the entire front of the plant and not just the toes or the heel.
3. Choose shoes with a well-cushioned and flexible sole.
4. Avoid downhill races, especially for long stretches, are very bad back.
If you use the bike
1. Maintain a long position excessively tilted forward, as is done on a bike, it can cause an overload of back muscles, and therefore give rise to dangerous back pain. To avoid this, try to make the most appropriate position by changing your attitude until you've found the right one for you.
2. To improve the position moves a bit 'on the saddle.
3. Give a little 'rest to your body, practicing other sports (such as the swimming), which prevent overloading and to stiffen the lower back.
Always remember, after any activity, stretching exercises to perform accurate.
Thursday, October 15, 2009
Sunday, October 11, 2009
Radeon 7500
Friday, September 18, 2009
Jeff Hardy Long Hair 2010
Wednesday, July 29, 2009
Sunday, May 31, 2009
Hiv Rash Only Lasts 2-4 Weeks
Catchy Slogans De Cereal
Treatment of Sciatica is the working method we use and is described in the following words:
Synergy working
Complementary treatments
Multidisciplinary Approach
Care search for the cause of the symptom and
Here is the hypothetical process that addresses the patient with sciatica (or "sciatica")
-Visit of a physiatrist, test and evaluation.
Control MRI or prescription. Diagnosis
Mesotherapy with homeopathic substances for pain relief / Anti-inflammatory
physiotherapist: evaluation of posture, fascia, muscle, fees, diathermy treatment (Tecar therapy "); fascial manipulation, osteopathic manual therapy, joint unlock, search for attenuating movement, posture education, centralized the symptom.
any pulling.
-Once reduced inflammation, nociceptive stimulation of the nerve and the consequent reduction in symptoms -> visit the physiatrist.
physiotherapists, experienced in controlling the movement and gymnastics McKenzie, neurological assessment, postural and movement, manipulative techniques and exercises for functional recovery, stabilization and centralization Keep up the total abolition of the symptom-
check-up and discharge.
-After discharge you will consider the possibility of a postural re-education Mezieres for the correction of posture, due to the deformation and the remuneration that may have led to symptoms of sciatica.
The therapeutic approach is formed by:
Homeopathy Massotherapy
osteopathic manual therapy
Handling fascial
Gymnastics Mckenzie
Kinetic Control Manipulations
Rehabilitation postural Mezieres
Saturday, March 21, 2009
How Toattach A Bed Head

E 'a bath in which you reel, in which all sin is scheduled more than Pascal. I
you raided in the mo 'of the casbah,
I find flaws and simply, in the more than six
Dizzee Rascal. Letizia
not your chick, not caste, it will be deducted dall'Hatù in your bag. You
breath of brandy, but to give yourself as Gianburrasca jelly.
will burn in hell as a branch in winter.
put your hand in his pocket for pound of Afghanistan.
But what you are, you metalhead? But heard Al Bano! Show
tusks, but my dear, you have teeth Hamtaro.
By all means you do you pieces of Meccano. You are the bearer
insane pocket, you'll want to confess that with their hands in their pockets want to protest.
A Year in the cell the place to be, because now we command from east to west, amen.
Brother you do not put your hands in your pocket. I know what you do with your hands in your pocket. He was a decline
been tempted by sex blindfolded
degradation over Belgrade bombed by NATO. A state in crisis
invaded by crazed disliked by the Vatican.
couples that struck down the agreements made at the Lateran
idiots babbling against us in every forum.
There was only one solution as for Gollum and bang bang bang bang! 4 rounds per quorum.
he rest in peace referendum in saecula saeculorum.
Excommunicated God's name in a book by Dan Brown on the Priory of Sion marking the start of an era of putting to death by Andrea Rivera Crozza through Harry Potter and it was a buzz of subversive leaflets,
We were therefore forced to adopt repressive methods breathing down your neck!
There is a prison for those who bring their pockets because there is no control in the pockets! Since then
who carries a pocket or an artist or a junkie, or both as Basquiat.
people who just do the opposite as bastian to give themselves more airs than it has made Sebastian Bach.
For this you have been arrested, do you believe in the fable of free pocket in the free layer, Camillo Benso was wrong, the only one that is Libertas Crusader's shield.
repeat: In nomine In nomine veritatis Libertatis vincula edificamus mendacity efferimus