surprised by the words he had used the anxious mother of a boy was afraid that the next like a beaten dog, looked carefully to find the right words to reply.
"Madam - I said, dazed - when I do not know what to say. Before I should consider taking a position, first of all if the boy will carry the inscription and then with him to understand what are really his physical condition and any problems and then develop an exercise program. "
Suddenly, the lady darkens in the face and almost grinding his teeth before you frown, leaning on the desk at the entrance of the gym and looking into my eyes said, "I would like to see that training would help this guy. I state that it is a silent type who is afraid of his own shadow. Should improve the scoliosis but did not really want to get involved.
He already goes to the Boy Scout and the Catechism and then to study and find a free moment is truly a sacrifice "
lacked very little and I was asked to do exercises instead of his son.
I thought to myself what was the eventful life of this poor helpless boy the blows inflicted by her mother and looking into his eyes I read humiliation mixed with incazzatura to have a parent so apprehensive.
"Madam, I said - the guy should train doing a bit of cardio, and then some abdominal exercises with specific tools with a very low load.
Incalza the woman in an arrogant way, "Noooooo accolutamente nooo. My son does not have to train with the equipment because it should not become like the television junkies. The doctor said I should do a little 'more than an exercise bike and the treadmill. "
Needless to say, despite my desire to drive it was great, I calmed down with a great inner effort and said:" Madam, if you like to pay month and the exercise bike to do only the boy has only to tell me. I will do what you like as it seems to know more about me. I do not change anything. The important thing is the satisfaction of the customer and the customer's mother. "
From then on started a repartee sensational.
Mom: "Where would the abs?"
Me: "On a bench in the other room" Mom
: " I need to see this bench"
Me: "But a lady bench is a bench. A horizontal plane with the ability to tilt. It may even make the exercise even on the floor on a mat in lattice
Mom: "You must be joking. If I pay the "right" (not even had a college) I can not think that my son lie down on the ground. Now if they would at home. "
I thought maybe it was the best thing and it would be a tragedy if the boy had carried out training with his mother the ribs all the time.
cut him short and said "Lord make a good thing. Go to the doctor and do make a card from him so it's safe and then we will do in the gym to the letter as written by his majesty. " The lady looked at me suspiciously
and perhaps felt a vague impression that the same kidding.
While the sixteen year old had been sitting and wanted to unsubscribe instantly disappear into oblivion of time and not having to pay more than the creature who had given birth, it said, "One last thing. But how often should come to the gym? If it ends the catechism at 17 you can do to train at 17.30 and drop to 18.45? "
" said Lady-- we do not seize anyone to tell the truth. He may run away when he wants. "
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