Tuesday, November 10, 2009

What Did A Docters Mask Look Like

You drank too much wine? Here's what to do to get better

Red wine contains substances similar to those of beer, which may give unpleasant effects in susceptible individuals. lower the taste of alcohol, the smaller the amount of congeners and the better the content of the individual situation the next day. vodka and gin only contain a few, while the bourbon, rum el'whisky malt are those that contain more. Alcohol leaves the body fairly quickly, but congeners takes more time, the amount of hours is equal to the number of glasses drunk the night before.

What happens in the body after drinking an alcoholic beverage?
More than 2 drinks per day, the blood vessels shrink, the pressure rises, the heart of the long runs to get worse. After drinking, he slips into the stomach within seconds.
Within a few minutes 20% alcohol filters in the capillaries of the stomach wall and enters the bloodstream: the more the stomach is full more gradual absorption is therefore less harmful.
After 5 minutes floods the brain and interferes with the functioning of the neurons, lowering the perception of danger.
After 10 minutes, the liver begins to remove the alcohol. The liver breaks down alcohol 90%, starting 10 minutes after the first sip.
After 11 minutes a little alcohol is transferred from blood to the alveoli. These warm it and turn it into steam, throwing away the breath here dell'etilometro utility.
that alcohol was not absorbed from the stomach after 20 minutes to reach the intestine by blocking the absorption of water (here because it dehydrates) and passes back into the blood.
Only 5% alcohol around the body is excreted by the kidneys through urine.
30 minutes after drinking all the alcohol is circulating , numbness neurons and inhibit many functions of the brain, with possible erectile dysfunction, reduced testosterone and blood flow to the penis.

There is only one way to cure a hangover of un'ubriacatura: time.
The symptoms are headache, nausea, dizziness, irritability and depression. Many of these effects are caused by dehydration and can be avoided by drinking water while drinking alcohol before going to bed.
Another help can be given by the fact to increase your blood sugar by eating a small snack or fruit before going to bed.
Another trick to avoid trouble is to never drink on an empty stomach (the consumption of protein foods like cheese, whole milk, meat and peanut butter reduces the discomfort) and take a supplement of vitamins B-complex before you start drinking.

Too much alcohol lowers levels of vitamin B1 essential, essential for normal neurological functions.
Avoid mixing different types of alcohol, and add carbonated soft drinks (come more quickly in the bloodstream).
water and juices are the most suitable, beer and wine are absorbed more slowly than distilled spirits.
People who do not drink often have a liver that works slowly and get drunk faster.
must also consider that the smaller the size of a person, the greater the effects of alcohol and the hangover the next day.

Women metabolize alcohol more fully human.
Coffee and cold showers do not help to get rid of the congeners faster than they do the time.
also best not to drink coffee before going to bed, it being a diuretic, will lose more fluids. Best sweet tea, water or fruit juice.
consumption of carbohydrate balances nutrition and lessen the symptoms.

also identifies the process (settle the stomach) of bananas (replenish potassium) with honey (it increases the sugar levels brain).

If you are accompanied by headaches, avoid acetaminophen, which could further strain the liver, one might instead think of acetylsalicylic acid (aspirin) is contraindicated if not always for their own use. ..... Source: anagen.net


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