One of the questions voiced to the operators of fitness centers is surely this:
"What is the difference between running in Lat machine in front of the head and one behind? "Unfortunately
feel many conflicting opinions and gross inaccuracies, even in the texts and magazines," the lat machine behind developing the rear deltoids, "the lat machine behind it is absolutely not recommended" or "the lat machine on trains better harness, etc..
Let's analyze the two versions of one of the few "machines" are really effective, created in imitation of the indispensable motor of chins:
"What is the difference between running in Lat machine in front of the head and one behind? "Unfortunately
feel many conflicting opinions and gross inaccuracies, even in the texts and magazines," the lat machine behind developing the rear deltoids, "the lat machine behind it is absolutely not recommended" or "the lat machine on trains better harness, etc..
Let's analyze the two versions of one of the few "machines" are really effective, created in imitation of the indispensable motor of chins:

Execution with the traction of the bar, reach behind your head until it touches the upper portion of the trapezius.
Muscles involved: (Master 2002) lats (to a lesser extent), great round, pectoralis major (limited), coracobrachialis, subscapularis biceps brachii, brachioradialis, triceps long head of the (limited).
involved joints: shoulder, elbow, wrist.
Notes: stimulates (in percentage) for most of the large dorsal humeral adduction her best, but still far less than the other version of the limited joint range. Lat
machinePrima using this type of execution, inspect the degree of mobiltà articulate the complex shoulder joint, as a person who has difficulty in external rotation of the humerus and shoulder retroposition not be able to run it properly. There
be noted that - despite this execution is often used the label of potentially damaging exercise for the shoulders (even though the stability of the shoulder is actually less) - the danger, the joint does not show up in traction, but compressed in exercises such as behind the slow (Rosenthal 1997, Gross et al 1993 ). In any case it will certainly be avoided in patients with unstable shoulder joint syndrome or contrast (Dine set at 1995).

Execution with pulling the bar in front of the face and carried on the top portion of the pectoralis major.
Lat machineMuscoli involved: (Master 2002) latissimus dorsi (more readily), large round, pectoralis major, posterior deltoid, infraspinatus, medial and lower trapezius, biceps brachii, brachioradialis, long head of triceps.
Joints involved: shoulder, elbow, wrist.
Notes: Although this execution implicates more muscle than the version lat machine "behind", is clearly better for the stimulation of the latissimus dorsi, given the greater range of motion. Also will be even more complete involvement of the trapezius and posterior deltoid .... source:
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