The muscle fibers are differentiated by a component (heavy chain) of myosin molecule in three varieties isomorphic: the fibers of type I slow twitch, fibers of type IIa and IIx fast-twitch. The rate of contraction of the fiber is one tenth of those of type IIx, IIa fibers that is intermediate. This speed comes from the mechanism of decomposition of ADP in the myosin heavy chain for energy. The slow fibers are aerobic, while the fast ones are anaerobic . A sedentary
has a fiber-type distribution 40-30-30, 20-45-25 a sprinter, a person who regularly jogging 50-40-10, a distance runner 55-4
0-5, 80-20-0 a marathon runner, a ultramaratoneta 95-5-0.
In practice, the fast-twitch fibers are the most exaggerated and respond better to training with heavy loads.
So far this is all true, then the myths are born.
there that claim to train on the basis of its type muscle, or to draw conclusions about what is happening by pulling off this story.
per se there would be nothing wrong, except that:
1. There is no test to correctly define the composition of muscle, but a biopsy
2. The composition of muscle is just one of the variables to consider
3. The muscle composition varies from person to person and between muscles of the same person
In practice, we can not measure the quantity of red and white fibers of our body. We talk, but we do not have the data. Nothing. Zero. Just talk. But this, perhaps, we set up training sessions.
type red fibers need more repetitions with less weight, the white fibers require fewer reps with more weight. Or: I workout at the end of the series to stress the red fibers. Or, as Holmes with its X-Reps, the white ones because he has not figured out how to run things.
In other words, in any sport is going to control the type of fiber, if not afterwards.
E 'sport itself decrees that the similarity with the athlete. A "dry" will do the marathon, a "big" the shot put. If it turns out to dry ... will the 800metrista 800metri, fiber composition or not. Knowing a priori information, even being able to do not add anything except the knowledge of a predisposition. From here to classify people ... there runs ............ Source:
has a fiber-type distribution 40-30-30, 20-45-25 a sprinter, a person who regularly jogging 50-40-10, a distance runner 55-4

In practice, the fast-twitch fibers are the most exaggerated and respond better to training with heavy loads.
So far this is all true, then the myths are born.
there that claim to train on the basis of its type muscle, or to draw conclusions about what is happening by pulling off this story.
per se there would be nothing wrong, except that:
1. There is no test to correctly define the composition of muscle, but a biopsy
2. The composition of muscle is just one of the variables to consider
3. The muscle composition varies from person to person and between muscles of the same person
In practice, we can not measure the quantity of red and white fibers of our body. We talk, but we do not have the data. Nothing. Zero. Just talk. But this, perhaps, we set up training sessions.
type red fibers need more repetitions with less weight, the white fibers require fewer reps with more weight. Or: I workout at the end of the series to stress the red fibers. Or, as Holmes with its X-Reps, the white ones because he has not figured out how to run things.
In other words, in any sport is going to control the type of fiber, if not afterwards.
E 'sport itself decrees that the similarity with the athlete. A "dry" will do the marathon, a "big" the shot put. If it turns out to dry ... will the 800metrista 800metri, fiber composition or not. Knowing a priori information, even being able to do not add anything except the knowledge of a predisposition. From here to classify people ... there runs ............ Source:
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