Wednesday, August 18, 2010

Percent Chance Of Getting Hiv Gay


The moxa or moxibustion is a technique of Chinese origin that involves the application of heat to acupuncture points.
A simple stick of mugwort, a medicinal plant, is on and approached without touching the skin at specific points of the body in this way without danger, heat restores a healthy energy balance.
The heat is more effective the smaller, but intense, is the source of which radiates and the more localized its application. The treated area becomes red
temporarily for a few minutes the application is generally pleasant and relaxing
The moxa because of the principle of heat is particularly suitable for the season cold for several ailments like joint pains.
represents a valuable aid for low back pain, neck pain, constipation, digestive problems, muscle spasms, colds, rheumatism, etc..
the rate of treatment is usually 1-2 times a week and in each case is assessed according to the disorder warned. Normally
in chronic cases will require a higher number of applications compared to more recent cases and / or traumatic.

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