freaaaks Hello everyone! How are you? =) ... Anastacia The Source has posted in the gallery 12 HQ pics of Anastacia and Gigi .. here's the link:
Freaaaaks Hello everybody! How are you guys ??... Anastacia Source posted 12 HQ photos of Anastacia and Gigi ... there is the link: LINK
Bellaa How? I look forward to March 4, the day will be the delivery of our production of Gigi and Ana. We also know from newspaper More TV (remember, you can still find it on sale) that Anastacia sang first, at the very beginning of the show! ;)
Here is the image of the newspaper with the photo of Ana and Gigi and a small blurb at the bottom:
She is really Amazing! I'm waiting the March 4th ... the day ... X In Which There Will Be on the TV show of Gigi with Ana! That we know Ana sang at the beginning of the show!;)
Here also, a new "old" interview:
Andrea =)
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