I am absolutely in favor of marriage between Catholics,
I think it is deeply unfair to try to prevent it.
Catholicism is not a disease, and Catholics, as many do not like and
may seem strange, they are normal people and
have the same rights as other human beings, like, say, the computer
and gay men . I realize that some behaviors and traits
of Catholics, as well as patient attitude with which they approach the issue of
sexuality might seem strange to most people.
I also know that there are health issues that work against
their reputation, suffice it to mention the
their nefarious and deliberate refusal to use condoms.
I also know that many of their traditions, such as the public exhibition of icons depicting
tortured bodies, are likely to traumatize
more sensitive souls.
Nevertheless, all of this, as well as helping them to a media image
more than real, I is not sufficient to prevent them from exercising
marriage. Some, indeed, would argue that what is not between Catholics
a real wedding because it represents an offering before
to their god rather than a union between two people.
I also realize that, as children born outside of the matrimonial bond
condemned by the Church, many
may be led to believe that it is little more than a convenience
likely to quell the rumors and to facilitate the easy search sex (
forbidden by their religion outside of marriage), thus increasing the
domestic violence and the number of needy families.
But we must remember that this is not only in Catholic families and
that is not morally correct to judge the motivations of others.
A chi, poi, dovesse obiettare che un matrimonio di convenienza non si può
definire matrimonio al pari degli altri, rispondo che questo non è altro
che un modo di confondere la discussione con questioni di tipo semantico
che servono a ben poco: anche se tra cattolici, un matrimonio è pur sempre
un matrimonio e una famiglia è pur sempre una famiglia.
E con quest'ultimo riferimento alla famiglia introduco un altro tema
scottante che spero non suoni troppo radicale: io sono anche favorevole al
permettere l'adozione ai cattolici.
Molti di voi si scandalizzeranno di fronte a un'affermazione del genere, è
molto probabile che qualcuno reagisca esclamando Bambini adottati
by Catholics? These children may one day become a Catholic!?.
take note of these criticisms and I'm going to answer, even if it is true,
young Catholics are more likely than others to become Catholic
themselves (unlike, say, for computer and homosexuals
) I have said previously that they are people like all other
aside prejudices and probability, there is no evidence that
endorse the theory that all fathers
Catholics are unprepared to educate a child, no one can say that,
most obviously, the environment is of religious
negative influence on the child. Furthermore, the courts for adoption
judge each case individually and their work consists in determining the suitability of
parents. In conclusion, despite the view expressed by the more radical fringes
, I think it would be unfair to allow Catholics to
adopt children.
Just like the computer, and homosexuals.
* * Lidia Menapace
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