Monday, June 18, 2007

Birthday Weave Hairstyles

My topastro can always find a way to give me a smile this morning ... I found a bilgliettino knew that I would have appreciated ... for the meaning of love and also because the song is .. Silvestri .

'It is true she was my destination, I
like a pendulum toward his station.
was really her, it will seem obvious, but
not seen a film until
he has not risen.
It 's true she was all the suffering and disease
She was then, and then, and then
was just to give you a rhythm at the time.
you who stole the light and gave wind.
And it was for her that one day they invented hell
sense more 'sick of the word forever.
It is true she was all suffering, sickness and
She was then, and then, and then
And she was always my philosophy, fundamentalism pure
true orthodoxy, and yet she
note that I always had in mind,
mouth drawn from my right hand. "
About Silvestri, tomorrow in the front row at his concert ... the mouse, and I small in the belly ready for Paranza!

Hello Daniel, I'll see you tomorrow!


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