A sedentary lifestyle is the greatest evil, the human body was created to move, but if this does not happen soon begins to wear out and can carry with him many troubles.
sedentary people suffer from poor circulation, and above the legs may be affected. In fact, the blood circulation slows, favors edema, heavy feeling increases and can lead to a real venous insufficiency.
Because now every form of movement is facilitated by new technologies and exploit the people for the slightest movement. Funny that people take advantage of the lift instead of stairs, use the escalators and then pay to go to the gym but to step ladders and use the simulators! This is the modern society ...
who is forced to spend all day sitting or within walking distance, without the possibility of large movements, the picture gets worse and should make a habit to play normally at least 30 minutes of physical activity to promote circulation.
must fight laziness, it takes very little to give lightness to the legs and a smooth operation. As the saying goes: prevention is better (a bit 'of movement) than sorry (operations and treatment with several drugs).
Here are some tips to improve circulation
make it a habit to do every little movement while walking.
Walking through the veins is the ideal form of activity: it's cheap, it can be done anywhere, at any age and in any weather conditions.
Each time you make a step, a part of blood is pushed by the foot and calf to the thigh, from there to the heart by moving the entire cardiovascular system. Walking is essential for the proper functioning of traffic, it takes very little to walk.
normal Learn how to use the stairs instead of the elevator or escalator and take the habit to park a block first, in order to reach your destination on foot.
If you are forced to stay seated for very long run of ankle flexion-extension (lift your heels off the ground and return) to activate the pump and prevent venous stasis.
the best shoes are those with a mid heel height (2 - 4 cm) wide, and helps maintain the proper arch support is important for a good push blood from the foot upwards.
should avoid shoes with high heels, so popular among women, because they impose an excessive extension of the ankle, limiting and preventing its natural movement of flexion-extension, which is essential for the 'activation of the venous pump . Without considering the problems that can lead to level posture.
Even the high-heeled shoes do not promote venous return, because it pushes the knee far behind (in a position of hyperextension), compressing the veins and vessels in the back of the knee.
use often and for too long boots is not recommended, as this type of shoe prevents proper caloric leakage.
- its activities' NATURAL TARGETED:
perform exercises for the legs may help prevent venous stasis and promoting the pump.
exercises more Simple can be performed lying on the ground or on a bed, moving her legs in cycling, frog, performing flexion / extension and rotation of the ankles. But in general, any form of movement is welcome to improve circulation.
- Maintain healthy weight:
overweight and obesity create big problems for the venous circulation. Make regular physical activity and eating in a balanced way are essential to prevent this factor.
- Raise your legs: lie down and raise your legs as relief from the lying position allows less pressure venous blood in the legs.
For those suffering from heaviness in the legs can be a good habit to sleep with your legs slightly raised, simply by placing a pillow under the mattress.
the use of socks "sleep" may be a form of prevention, because these special socks, thanks to a graduated compression leg massage offer continuous helps circulation and combats the stagnation of fluid in the tissues.
The implementation of these simple tips will help your legs feel better.
source - bodybuildingitalia.it