Pay 3 and take 4!
In the gym a few weeks ago we developed a type of promotion time to increase customer loyalty. If by a certain date are paid in advance 3 months you receive a complimentary fourth month.
It seems clear the message and at the same time, if you're a guy who trains consistently every month, there is much to reflect and pay for the advantage is obvious.
Many have benefited from this opportunity but I have other questions seemed so absurd that apparently fake.
Questions average user who sometimes were the only means of giving an excuse to justify his mind further postpone the day of registration.
"Excuse me - he said a lady - I would like to join the promotion 4x3 but I was wondering if you could do today and pay the first month free and then paid for three months."
did not say anything, honestly, but will have and so wanted to say "Lord can do as you wish. One day free and one paid, one free week and the other included in the price, it might even work out in 4 months and 30 days free use of freely chosen by you!
If you wish, could also pay for the remaining days at home and train for 4 months free those who decide to devote to the gym. In the latest case could also pay for three months and sit on the couch in her house waiting for the free month of fitness. "
This is just the most dramatic episode, but there are many smaller, but at the same time unlikely curious.
"Excuse me, this is a gym right? - Said a hasty boy - But if I train once a week and I pay 3 months in advance, I have the same month "gift" or do not belong to me? ".
"I can not come this month - said a girl apparently busy 30Days why should I start from my father ... bla bla bla ... and then why not in school. ... Bla bla bla .... And Friends have decided to ... bla bla bla .... I know that the promotion ends in 2 days. Can I use the same if I come to pay a month and pretend that he has already made month free? "
Then one afternoon a woman who had never done the fitness, even walking from one shop to another in the center, comes in the room attracted by the word FREE on all exposed cartel ' entry and asked me seriously, "I can explain what is the month free?"
Unexplained is the fact that to do this kind of comments are people who have been very successful in their field work and are doctors, lawyers, university professors.
strange is that when I'm out the competence of their aquarium fish really seem to lack logic and common sense.
As I always say at the end of my story about the 'average user, I do not despise those who show such, but ironically to introduce people to this world and bringing it closer to reality every day more than you think.