Today Daniel has 2 months and 12 days .. against all odds has blue eyes, holds her head up and do MAUUUU fance the woodpecker when he cries! and I even remember more 'to have given birth .. maybe ..
Ando 'more' or less like this':
On November 2, 2007 at nine in the morning glittergirl and his giant belly rise .. obvious break in the bathroom to prepare for a new day in wonderland .. when .... the stairs of the house ... sciaffff .. a lake .. on the ground .. Bacchus that even looks like a Martian ... glittergirl with the three points on the head intrrogativi think "yet pee 'I had done, mica want that now I do not even notice" . . sciaff .. yet .. sciaff. . "but then want mica MI HAVE BROKEN THE WATER !!!!!" (cool like in the movies). The
glittergirl between a giggle and then the other alarm Mr. Little Stars: "superhero Hey, wake up, I think I broke the water, we need to go to hospital" response genius "does not mean shit" and it was so 'that our heroes were at 11.00 am in the hospital.
The midwife on duty announced that all is well and that they only had to wait for labor went away by itself .. hour after the first contractions is the young mother thinks almost " well, if the pain is this, I'm 'in the great (almost always deficient mother but in the language) "departed an hour after the first swearing! a couple more hours after the curses were so 'and so many'" colorful "that even Mr. Little Stars blush .. . was so 'that at 5.00 am the glittergirl shouted "pull out of there,' Open to me, do anything, drogatemi, but you stop this pain ... I want the epiduraleeeeeeeeee " ... anything ... at 7.30 the girl begins to do some 'punishment at all, decided to give her a hand .. " come on baby, you're doing well, now you do a drip of oxytocin so 'that the contractions are more' high and tight " the only word that came out 'from the mouth of child was " grrrrrr" ... so 'the glittergirl discover' that if you torture someone and really hurt him oxytocin is for you .. however, at 9.30 am the young woman finds herself on the couch in the delivery room, Mr. Little Stars in the eyes with tears at his side thinking all the time "now part of a blood clot .." From the mouth of the girl just went out and repeated thundering "ARGHHHHHH" .. was so 'that at 10.33 am the next day of a mouse 2780 gr 49 cm long and saw the light ..
Hello Daniel! Welcome!